As you can see, the road is going straight into Lake Ronkonkoma! If you left click the photo, you may be able to enlarge it, so that you can see the Guard Rail; this rail is totally submerged. I would guess that the water level in Lake Ronkonkoma, must be about three to four feet higher than normal, in order to engulf the entire Guard Rail!
We are looking at our "Treasured Refuge From Civilization," the parking lot that was between, what we knew as Turners Park, and the Bavarian Inn. In the fifties and Sixties this location was used for Canoodling, drinking Beer, and watching the "Submarine Races!"
(Note: To any Sachem Students, that may be reading this blog. "First; you did not invent the wheel!," and secondly; we found this place first! Ha Ha)
It's a shame that this location is currently "under water;" to this day I still enjoy visiting this area whenever possible, just to relax, and reflect on the great times we had in the fifties, and sixties!
I would guess that this facility, which is now a Town of Brookhaven Park, has been inaccessible for about a year. Hopefully the water level will go down in the future, so that we could all visit this wonderful location!
Ben Vitale
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