HOME PAGE: reunion98.blogspot.com
email: benvitalemail@yahoo.com
Our Thanks to Google For Hosting Our Site
Also! Our Thanks to the "Gang," at Blogger for designing this program!
The Sachem High School Alumni Gazette, Is a Forum, for the Sachem Graduating Classes of 1959 through 1965 +. Our thanks to Camille Pelliccia for sharing her precious photos with her classmates. Camille's Reunion Photos are the basis for this Gazette! Main Page: reunion98.blogspot.com Email Ben Vitale: davis.park@yahoo.com
A Google search for "Sachem class of 1960" will come up as number one! Yupeeeeeee!
Just for the fun of it, do a Google search on your name, and note where you appear in the returned list! The Blog will appear because your name is indexed by virtue of being listed in our Blog. "Would you believe?" You actually have a "World Wide Web" presence!" Yahoooooooooo!!!!!!!
Many people talk about the "Good Old Days!" Well they could have them! I really think that today's technology is "So Cool;" I would never trade it for the "Good Old Days!"
Have Fun
Reply From Marylin Giove Chion:
Hi Ben,
I tried it and it worked! Thank you for keeping up with our Sachem communication. It is so great to have the Blog and even though I do not participate very often, I always look forward to receiving the email from you with the new entries on the Blog. I especially enjoy Camille's pictures.
I wanted to get a few of the Florida people together for a weekend at the beach in November, but did not get much of a response. Don and I are at the beach almost every weekend from Thursday to Sunday, so if anyone wants to get together just email me at marylinc@cfl.rr.com. Maybe we can get something going after all. Next weekend we are looking forward to seeing Bill and Arlene Monteverde at Ormond Beach. Joan and George Gerson might be able to make it in November.
I hope everyone is well and happy and enjoying this stage of our lives.
Love, Marylin