Monday, October 03, 2011

Sachem Class of 62 Reunion

Hi Ben, The answer about other classes attending, is this, this 50th reunion is for the class of 1962 only! Thank you for your updates. You may publish this in the blog. As I had mentioned, any reunions that would be planned after this 50th, I am sure other classes would be included?

Thank you,


From the Reunion Committee Class of 62: 

The class of 1962 is planning their 50th high school reunion for Friday, September 14th, Saturday, September 15th and Sunday, September 16th, 2012.  The Ice Breaker will take place on the Friday evening, September 14th.  The committee is busy working on the exact places these events will take place.  If anyone out there is interested and would like to attend and share these happy moments together, please contact Dennis E. Jonck, e-mail address is  Also, if there is anyone that you have been in contact with, kindly let us know either their home address, e-mail address, telephone numbers.  We don't want to see anyone miss out on this very special celebration!

The class of 1962, 50th reunion will be held on Long Island.


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  1. Anonymous11:01 PM


  2. Anonymous8:33 AM

    The committee is working on "Where",,,,up on Long Island.
    Tony Perna


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