Wednesday, February 20, 2013

What store is this?

What store is this? "You know." LOL
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  1. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Looks like Agnew & Taylor.

    Tom Parrinelli

  2. Pat Prince - Rath3:16 PM

    It has to be Agnew & Taylor, if not could it be Yarllows?

  3. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Has to be Agnew and Taylors...looks the same today as it did when I moved to Lk Ronk 57 years ago....wooden floors and all...Gerry Jacobs Horal

  4. I went to all of the local hardware stores, to find a special screen door catch; it was nowhere to be found! In desperation I went to the store that I should have gone to in the first place; Agnew and Taylor. and yes, the indeed did have the Screen door catch. The store looks the same even after Fifty years. This store is a treasure! Everything changes but it is great to see that Agnew and Taylor did not change!

  5. Anonymous8:00 PM

    My money is with Agnew&Taylor. Been around all 71 years of my life. Question: Who were the Taylors? My only recollection is of the Agnew family. Richard Williams

  6. georgette chimene3:24 PM



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