Sunday, December 02, 2007

Sachem North has an Alumni Site, but it's not free!
Check it out!

You've got to see this Video; "The Curse of Lake Ronkonkoma!"
The fascinating part of this is that Dr. Davis S. Ignare could have been from the Sachem Class of 1961. Does anyone know David?

Please return your comments! Yuppee!!!!!!!!!!!! Cool!!!!!!!!!

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Amazing Reply from John Cassese!
Hi Ben, Ignare lived on Taber Street. He grew up with Kate. He was younger than Kate so they really did not hang out, but it is not likely that he went to Sachem. Nonetheless, it's a fascinating story about the lake. I have not gotten through the whole video but will check it out tonight. Crazy stuff.......

Comment From Ben Vitale:

I can't believe it, the Doctor lives around the corner from me! Damn! The Wicked Witch of Lake Ronkonkoma is at it again! I hope she doesn't have her drivers license! Who knows, she may even fly to Florida! Hee Haaa! This is funny!

GREAT! We Have Migrated into the 21 st Century!
The only casualty of this "Blog Upgrade," was the Hit Counter, that usually resided at the very end of our Blog. The counter told me how many people looked at our Blog. The count was almost 10,500, the last time I looked at it! I will try to re-insert the counter, if possible!

The Video Panel on the right will play videos when you click a particular panel. It is programmed to look for Sachem North, and Great South Bay Videos. The panel will alternate between the two categories. If you really pay attention to the current Sachem students, it will become obvious that they are a great group of young adults. You will also come to realize that they are not very different from us, when we attended Sachem. The videos that you will be looking at, were mastered by Sachem Students.

Notice to the readers of this Blog:
We must pay attention to the "Links." Slowly slide your mouse over the text on every page; if a line of text lights up, it is a link to more information. If you click that line, new information will display. Use the back arrow to come back to your original page!

Enjoy the 21st Century!

This Blog contains HUNDREDS OF PHOTOS that can be viewed by clicking the "ARCHIVES" DATES," on the top of this Blog, in the Right Hand Column, directly under "Previous Posts.")


Our Thanks to Google For Hosting Our Site
Also! Our Thanks to the "Gang," at Blogger for designing this program!


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    I had to remove your comment because I could not reference an actual E-mail Address to your name. You remain totally anonymous! Hope you understand; a person can get sued for a Ham Sandwich!

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