Thursday, November 24, 2011

How was your Thanksgiving?
(Put your answer in the comment box below, for everyone to read.)

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  1. Ben Vitale 195912:39 PM

    Thanksgiving started last night in the hospital Emergency Room. They identified the problem, and Marie is now OK. A good start for Thanksgiving!
    Ben Vitale

  2. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Well, with all our kids living in different states, we all agreed to stay home. So, Hubby and I went to Cracker Barrel. It was great !! No dishes, no cleanup. We got to take our desserts home. I think this will be a new tradition !! Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving too. xxoo Nancy Clark Strauch

  3. Gerard Schmitt4:29 PM

    We made Thanksgiving dinner here at home for 24 of our family ! It was a great success! Made 2 turkeys (36 lbs.), 6 loaves of Italian bread stuffing, 10 lbs. of mashed potatos, an extra large bean cassarole, 6 dozen bake and serve rolls, cranberries (canned and homemade), 5pies and lots of wine!!!

  4. Anonymous6:31 PM


    I had a Vietnamese-Korean-American TG with my friends. They are Vietnamese, but have turkey and cranberry sauce (which I introduced to them last year) along with their traditional food. This year their Korean friends brought some of their foods. So it was quite a mix and delicious also.

    Judi Lloyd ;)

  5. Pat Prince Rath6:41 PM

    Served 12 on Thanksgiving Day, threw them all out at 8 pm, left 4 am and took my 90 yr old Mom up to Tennessee to my sister Ruthann. Left TN yesterday, traffic was so bad and the rain did not help that we took a room in Cordele GA and drove into Clearwater Fl around 2 pm today. TN was beautiful, 70 degrees and hated to come home to more rain, but back to work in the morning.

  6. Ben Vitale9:47 PM

    Straight from the Emergency Room, my wife, my daughter, and myself, went into "Emergency Cooking Mode," on the eve before Thanksgiving Day. Peeling Potatoes and making stuffing! Somehow we managed to prepare a meal which included, Soup with Meatballs, Turkey with stuffing, Stuffed Mushrooms, candied Sweet Potatoes, mashed Sweet Potatoes with Marshmallows, Carrots, Coconut Custard Pie, Chocolate Pecan Pie, Cannolis, Apple pie. We also had a birthday cake for our granddaughter Danielle. It was actually a good Thanksgiving!


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