Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Word From Old Friends!
Tina Vazqueztell
Virginia DeCastro

This afternoon, quite by accident, I had a Facebook conversation with Tina Vazqueztell, who is Virginia DeCastro's sister. Tina just joined our Sachem Alumni Facebook Group. Needless to say I was thrilled to have Virginia materialize! Unfortunately Virginia is not a computer person; that might be why we never made contact with her.

I asked Tina to speak with her sister, and deliver Facebook messages to our group, on behalf of her sister. I will copy any Facebook messages and post them on our Blog.

Word From Old Friends!
Marian Stewart Eskijian

Hi Ben, ----------- It is always good to get your messages. I am not a computer person either. I can just do these easy e-mail messages and I am not a "Facebook" joiner. We are here in Missouri, and all is going well. I haven't gotten back to Long Island recently, but we do travel quite a bit. In July we will be in Scotland for my birthday to celebrate my "Stuart" heritage with clan plaid and all the frills !! It is great to hear from you and read about all the activities there. Best Wishes from the mid-west.

I will be XX in a few weeks. OMG!!!! Where have the years gone?? My kids are grown, married, and have families. My daughter is now a "grandma"!! I enjoy all the letters and it is good to hear from back home. Marian E.

Marian (Stuart) Eskijian

Word From Old Friends!
Deanna Giardina Mauch

Hello Tina,

I remember you so well from our classes at Sachem High, and our graduation together in 1963. We will always remember, with love, your dear Nick. He was our classmate, too.

Deanna Giardina Mauch

Our Thanks to Google/ Blogger for Hosting Our Site

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Hi Marian Stuart,
    Oh, my! I have thought of you over the years. I know you forever, and I guess I think of you like a relative, never was able to contact you. I just love the computers and the ability to connect.
    I remember us as kids in Holtsville Farmingville school. I remember Girls scouts, with your mom and my mom. I remember campfires with Judy Terry. I loved Holtsville and all my friends, Sad we never kept in touch.
    Please contact me at buddygramma@yahoo.com Would love to chit chat with you. xxoo Nancy Clark


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