Sunday, June 26, 2011

From Gerry Jacobs Horal..class of '64

Hi enjoy keeping up on all the info of past graduates (I graduated Sachem in '64)...

I don't know if anyone would remember Neville Hugelmeyer...When I was in Junior High Neville was brought in as a substititue teacher....He was also my neighbor and I remember how much he loved kids and what a great smile he had....He was also on the Yankee farm team and the kids in school would always ask for his autograph..( he not realizing that many were using it as a hallway pass)..Well..I just read today in Sunday's Newsday that he passed away in Florida on June 18th...His father (and possibly his mother were on the Board of Education..and his older brother was a dentist in Lake Ronkonkoma for many years...

Just wondered if anyone would remember..

Keep up the good work on your site....More people than you know are enjoying it.

Gerry Jacobs Horal..class of '64

Brenda Sichenzia (Sent via Email)
My brother was friends with the Hugelmeyer brothers. I myself remember when one of them was hit by a car when he was riding his bike across Hawkins Avenue near the old Post Office, which was across the street from the ice cream parlor.

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  1. Anonymous12:49 PM

    I do remember Neville, his dad, and his brother was my dentist in the little office at the corner of school st. and portion rd. Sorry to hear of his passing. He was a good man and so was the rest of the family good people. It seems to me we had many good people in our youth growing up in and around Lake Ronkonkoma, Holbrook, Holtsville, Lake Grove, Selden, and Farmingville!!!!!!
    Tony Perna '62

  2. Anonymous12:53 PM

    I graqduated in 1965 and I too remeber Mr. Neville and his wonderful smile. I never had him as a teacher but do remember him. I am saddened to hear of his death

    Barbara Whitty class of 65

  3. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Neville was one of my baseball coaches when I played in the summer leagues. (Babe Ruth, Connie Mack and PAL) Great guy, great pitcher. Brenda, I beleive it was Lance who was hit by the car. Tony, Kurt was the dentist. I think Kurt may be the only surviving member of the family.

    Tom Parrinelli "60"

  4. Dennis Pelliccia3:04 PM

    Tony my old school mate:) I remember those fun days at the Holtsville Waverly Avenue School. Dancing to Elvis Presley records in the cafeteria after lunch. Me, you, Derek Larsen ( he didn't dance ) Dolores Orelia, Maria Martinez ? She had a brother. Hound Dog and Don't be Cruel we danced the Lindy too. You had your own unique style... left foot back, toe down, then right foot back, toe down:) Yep, you were a cool dancer.
    Theirs another time I remember also. You road your bike from Hollbrook to visit me in Farmingville. My father made you a super submarine sandwich. Ham and cheese with green olives stuffed with red peppers. The Hero bread was the best around, Manino's Italian bread. At Sandy's Pic & Pac Grocery store, we had great prices also. Heroes were only fifty cents.
    Now lets see... where did I put my walking cane ? LOL

  5. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Dennis, I remember all that and more lol,,we did have some fun in those days. I remember dancing down in the Cafe at Waverly with delores and Lynn Lamens too.
    Your father made the best hero sandwiches I ever had. I hope you are well my old friend.
    What cane? lol... Donald Philhower stole that cane...


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