Monday, June 27, 2011

From Marian (Stuart) Eskijian:

Hi,        ---------------      I do enjoy the news from Sachem, and especially from the class of  '59!! The newspaper accounts are great. I am not good at all this new technology, but I do get to the blog page and my e-mail!! My grandkids have to help me with the computer and cell phone. All is well here. Greg and I are enjoying retirement with travel, local activities, and family gatherings. Thanks for keeping the Sachem news coming our way. Otherwise, we would all loose touch.              
Marian (Stuart) Eskijian

Our Thanks to Google/ Blogger for Hosting Our Site Also! LEFT CLICK "COMMENTS" BELOW TO VIEW ALUMNI COMMENTARY.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

From Gerry Jacobs Horal..class of '64

Hi enjoy keeping up on all the info of past graduates (I graduated Sachem in '64)...

I don't know if anyone would remember Neville Hugelmeyer...When I was in Junior High Neville was brought in as a substititue teacher....He was also my neighbor and I remember how much he loved kids and what a great smile he had....He was also on the Yankee farm team and the kids in school would always ask for his autograph..( he not realizing that many were using it as a hallway pass)..Well..I just read today in Sunday's Newsday that he passed away in Florida on June 18th...His father (and possibly his mother were on the Board of Education..and his older brother was a dentist in Lake Ronkonkoma for many years...

Just wondered if anyone would remember..

Keep up the good work on your site....More people than you know are enjoying it.

Gerry Jacobs Horal..class of '64

Brenda Sichenzia (Sent via Email)
My brother was friends with the Hugelmeyer brothers. I myself remember when one of them was hit by a car when he was riding his bike across Hawkins Avenue near the old Post Office, which was across the street from the ice cream parlor.

Our Thanks to Google/ Blogger for Hosting Our Site


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Members of the Sachem Class of 2011 sing the song, "In my Life," by the Beatles, at their Graduation!

Deja Vu at it's best! Wow!.......

Our Thanks to Google/ Blogger for Hosting Our Site Also!

Is Facebook Your Resume?

I have been telling my grandchildren to be careful what they publish on Facebook. I have repeatedly told them that whatever they publish on their Facebook page could be used against them in later years. Did they listen? I don't think so!

As a test, I went to Facebook and looked up the name of a person that I went to Jr. High School with, over 50 years ago. I did not find my classmates profile, but I did find the profile of another young lady, who has the same name. I decided to see exactly how much information this person was sharing with the world; which includes me, a perfect stranger. I discovered that I had immediate access to this persons personal information. In just minutes I knew what University she attends, what state she lives in, what books she reads, what movies she like, what TV programs she looks at, and also had access to the names and photos of over 550 of her friends.

I have learned through the "Life School of Hard Knocks," one corollary of life, that stands above all others; do not give too much information! Did the above individuals give too much information? "You bet" they did! Who are they giving this information to? Everybody!

A valuable secret of salesmanship, is to force your potential customer to respond with the answer "yes," to your questions, as many times as possible, before you actually try to make the sale. This secret is also applicable to getting accepted to a college, and applying for a job. A customer, an employment officer, or a college admissions officer, is more likely to grant his approval, if you do not give him any opportunity to say "no." The multitude of information that is available on Facebook, other social media sites, and or Blogs, gives an employment officer many opportunities to say no! Most people simply give away, too much information!

I looked up yet another female on Facebook, who is a complete stranger to me and read the following: "I am not a Bitch; I just have a low tolerance for bullshit!" I read the following on another facebook site, "I'm very easy to get along with, and I'm the craziest person alive! I wonder if this public information will have any impact on a future employer's decision to hire these females? Humm...

The previous examples do indeed indicate that, the material you publish on Facebook and other Internet media, could be viewed by people that are considering and evaluating your Resume!

I believe that it is a good idea to re-evaluate your Facebook, and other social media account, privacy settings. I personally would not allow any of my information to be available to "Everyone." Facebook is not like a Blog where there is usually one author, and the author of the Blog, has control over its content. In the case of Facebook and other on-line media, one of your friends could publish something stupid, that could eventually come back to haunt you in the future.

Our Thanks to Google/ Blogger for Hosting Our Site.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Attack Terminated
by Google/ Blogger
Our Thanks to Blogger/ Google for stopping the attack on our "Sachem High School Alumni Gazette." As you can see on the graph of the weekly hits to our blog; the five days on the left side of the graph represent the attack to our Blog.  The last two days on the right show no trace of the attack.

If the attack had continued we could have been shut down. Everything is now A-OK.

Our Thanks to Google/ Blogger for Hosting Our Site.

Monday, June 06, 2011

Richard Van Norr Article in Sachem Patch
Sachem Patch published an updated article about our classmate Richard Van Norr.
(Left click the link below)

Sachem Class of 1959:
Sachem Patch just published an article about the Sachem High School, Class of 1959.

Don Wooley
Sachem Patch just published an article about Don Wooley

Our Thanks to Google/ Blogger for Hosting Our Site